Paola for “The Girl Next Door”

Paola for “The Girl Next Door”

Second episode of the project “The Girl Next Door”

A few pills from the previous article and the reasons that led me to write this article.

“ More than 1 million selfies a day, 58,425.492 photos with the #selfie tag on Instagram: these numbers speak for themselves. Every day, social networks put our image in front of us and force us to question ourselves about our perception of beauty.
Through self-portraits it is easy to accept oneself: with an average of 25 photos before being really satisfied, the choice of the right filter and some tweaks to the brightness, you’re done.

Social media have accentuated the social tendency of human beings to please others and feel accepted. And let’s face it, we all feel, some more, some less, personally concerned.

Beauty in the days of Instagram requires perfection, precision, expertise, scenography. A beauty that is so different and far from you that almost intimidates and makes you feel embarrassed.

Beauty in the days of Instagram leads to the belief that you want to change yourself. Yet beauty or self-care should not be tied to any standard, but rather provide each of us with the right tools to be ourselves at our best, without necessarily having to transform into a clone of anyone to feel comfortable while sharing a photo of us with the hashtag #makeup or #beauty.

Be splendidly, exceptionally, proudly you, and make yourself messengers of the extraordinary power – and essence – of #beautydefect, a project born from the desire of the Vlogger Giulia Carucci, to create a network of truly aware people. Aware of their physicality, their strengths and weaknesses. Aware of their physicality, their strengths and weaknesses.

I introduce Paola to you, a fantastic girl who hides her deepest self to many but not to everybody.

A fighter in all respects, but a natural beauty to be discovered…

I close this article with Paola’s thoughts:

“Proud and enthusiastic to have been part of Emiliano’s project, to have been the protagonist of one of his many canvases and to have been the center of his artistic eye.

Being my first shooting experience, at first, I appeared clumsy and insecure, I did not know which pose could be the most appropriate, or if my hair was in the right place, or if I could look “ugly”; along the way, picture by picture, I realized the simplest thought: being myself, being who I am every day, and this was the winning move. By trying to seem what we are not, we cease to be what we are.

When I saw the pictures, I saw myself with different eyes, not so far from what can be defined as the “perfection” you can achieve with some little tricks, with a nice dress or with the right make-up.

It should always be like this, be proud of what we are, aware of our “defects” but, above all, of our strengths: loving what we are, respecting ourselves. At the same time, a line from a Jeff Buckley’s song comes to my mind:

“As the marrow in your bones. Fall in light. Feel no shame for what you are. Feel it as a waterfall

Fall in light.”

Credits: e

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